Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cruz turns tables on Trump, points out his hundreds of millions in debt

Ted Cruz tried to reverse the latest attack from rival presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday, pointing out that the real estate magnate has hundreds of millions of dollars of debt.
Cruz said Trump attacking him for improperly disclosed campaign loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank is the "height of chutzpah," given that Trump himself owes "hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions of dollars."
In an interview on Fox News Sunday, the Texas Republican said that Trump's financial disclosure filing suggests "he owes at least $480 million right now, and it could be billions."
"By the way, when Heidi and I take loans, we pay them back," Cruz added, referring to his wife. "Donald declared bankruptcy four times."
More from the Washington Examiner
As Cruz has risen toward the top of polls in Iowa ahead of Monday night's caucuses, Trump has attacked him over the undislosed loans and the fact that Cruz was born in Canada. Trump even called Cruz a Canadian "anchor baby," while questioning his eligibility for the presidency.
Cruz claimed that Trump was trying to avoid talking about issues and substance.
Then, he went on the offensive, noting Trump's past expressions of support for single-payer healthcare systems.
"Donald Trump supports expanding Obamacare to make it full-on socialized medicine like Bernie Sanders," he said.
"And, by the way, that's his position right now," he later added. "It is identical to Hillary Clinton."

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